What is the main idea of MinsWork platfrom?
The main idea is make different businesses find each other and build a long-term partnership. As well the idea is every business deal done through our platform is safe and secure.
I can find partner anywhere else. Why should I use MinsWork?
MinsWork platfrom is built with the help of neural network and atrificail intelligence. Every business fills in the details about their activity as well as what kind of business partner they are looking for. Artificail intellidence in an efficient way to find the best suiting partner. The second reason is, we provide our clients with secure communication and make sure the deal is done properly and all parties are satisfied with results.
How can MinsWork help my business?
Easily! With the help of our platform your work becomes more efficient! You dont need to spend so much time in search for the suppliers or buyers for your product or service. Moreover, you get guarantees that the deal works our for both of you.
How do I find business partner in here?
Let MinsWork do that for you! To help us find the best solution for you, enter the details of your business and requirements to your partner. Let artificial intelligence work for you!
I need both - buyers and suppliers. What kind of account should I create?
We would advice you to create two account in this case. One as supplier, one as buyer. Diversift business offers and take advanrage of it.
What if I need different kind of partners?
Having a diversed business? Now a problem. You may check different requirements and business peoject types. Select the ones you are interested in and let MinsWork do its work. In case you have any additional questions, you may contact our support.
What kind of support you offer?
We are constantly upgrading pur platfrom. As of now, you may contact us through email or chat system.